FILEF - 79th anniversary of the Italian Liberation Day
Wednesday 24 April 2024, 06:00pm - 08:30pm
Hits : 446

We remind you that Wednesday 24 April from 6pm to 8.30pm as we are holding an event to commemorate the Italian anti-fascist resistance as 25 April will be 79 years since Liberation from nazi-fascism as well as reflect on the current resistance actions in Australia and Palestine.

The event will be at the Addison Road Community Centre (Addi Road) - 142 Addison Road Marrickville.

For further info and bookings, click here

We hope you can join us on April 24 to commemorate Italy's liberation form nazi-fascism and also strengthen the fight against today's new fascisms.

this is the flyer for the event

Location Addison Road Community Centre