Saturday 07 October 2023, 07:30pm - 10:30pm
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La Giara by L Pirandello

We're back for another epic adaptation that offers a show, with folk music, costumes and exhibits of Sicilian country life.

By Bottega d'Arte Teatrale, (adapted and directed by Santo Crisafulli)


Michael Gioiello
Sarah Arnold
Emilio Lomonaco
Catherine Crowley
Elizabeth Hylton

The adaptation by Santo Crisafulli offers a show, with folk music, costumes and exhibits of
Sicilian country life.

Pippo Murgida, Santo Crisafulli Ottavio Bonaccorsi, Antonio Caputi Marcello Aliberto, Giancarlo Aliberto Lina Sacco, Maria Maugeri, Lucia Aliberto, Isidoro Rapisarda, Samuel Crisafulli, Giuseppe Leggio

For bookings (MULTIPLE DATES, also marked on this calendar: October 7 and 8)

Location The Italian Forum 23 Norton Street Leichhardt, NSW 2040