Saturday 11 November 2023, 06:30pm - 11:30pm
Hits : 585
The Board of Directors would like to invite you to a night of fine dining, drinks, entertainment, and dancing to the fabulous music of the
Nick Bavarelli Band
Theme: Feathers & Pearls
$220 per person
Silent Auction Jewellery Key Raffle Lucky Door Prize
The money raised will go towards enhancing our High Dependency Area within our S Antonio da Padova Nursing Home, which provides care to many residents with Dementia or who require a high level of care.
On behalf of S. Antonio Da Padova, we would like to ask for your kind assistance. We are seeking sponsorships for the event and would be most grateful if you or your company could help us. Please note deadline is 15th September 2023.
Download flyer, sponsorship options, and other important info here
Location Hyatt Regency Sydney