Easter picnic at Putney Park!
Monday 01 April 2024, 10:00am - 05:00pm
Hits : 430

On Monday, 1 April 2024, from 10am, join the Apulian community of NSW, the GIA Network (Giovani Italiani Network), our families and friends for the traditional Italian Easter Picnic "Pasquetta".

The picnic will be held at Putney Park, Pellisier Rd, Putney (see map below)

Bring your family, friends, children, food & drink basket. We will provide a free BBQ, roasted chestnuts, games and prizes.

For further information call:

Gianni 0412 262 695
Riccardo 0418 294 960
Pino 0409 200 590
Giulia 0414 645 855
Felice 0418 614 519
Alfonso 0418 963 133

We hope you and your family can join us on Easter Monday.

this is the location of the annual picnic

Location Putney Park Pellisier Road Putney